The Loan Approval Process Has Never Been Easier
Your marketing team works tirelessly to create campaigns designed to grow your loan portfolio. Your team expertly generates promising leads for new borrowers through email campaigns, social media marketing, or direct mailers. Help them close the deal with Click-to-Fund.
Click-to-Fund automatically books and funds loans on the core banking system for pre-approved members who accept a loan offer from your credit union. Click-to-Fund is fully automated and tightly integrated with the core to allow members who the credit union has deemed eligible to opt into a pre-approved loan.
How Click-to-Fund Works
Loan pre-approval is presented to the member through the Online Banking channel. If the member accepts the offer, Click-to-Fund will present loan documents for electronic signature. Once the documents are signed, Click-to-Fund automatically creates the loan on the core, book, and fund. Loan documents can be saved in the core and imaging system. Click-to-Fund is ideal for non-collateralized loans.